5. The Mini Library

‘The Mini Library’ by The Anti-Design Library

Chindōgu is the practice of inventing ingenious everyday gadgets that seem to be ideal solutions to particular problems, but which may cause more problems than they solve. This is made up of two words.

Chin which means “curious” or“strange.” Dougu meaning “tool” or “device.””Strange device” doesn’t quite capture the entire meaning though. There’s an essence to chindogu that can’t be ignored. They need to be useful, but only just so. Something people could use but probably won’t because of shame. They’re almost useful.

The term is of Japanese origin.
Or “unuseless.”

These books are inspired by Chindogu. By finding a solution 
to the amount of space and storage books take up in homes, 
I decided to make miniature versions of existing books from 
my house. Whilst they take up less space, they’re practically illegible - making them useless, but cute to look at.