7. Art Science and Creativity
Art, Science and Creativity Exhibiton
Liverpool Book Art Exhibtion
September - November 2024
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The compostion of the poster combines “Culture (Petri Dish)”
by Barbara Jones which is a book embodied in the format
of a Petri dish. The combination of the bright colours
of the publication and the minimalist typography and layout
makes a clear and legible composition to spark intrigue
to passerbys in Liverpool Central Library. The idea is
to use a work that is a book that at first glance
isn’t a book, which is what Artist’s Books are all about - challenging what books are and their many forms and interpretations.
The second landcape oriented poster uses white space to its advantage to add direction whilst keeping a balanced and cohesive layout.Both include QR codes to the Liverpool Book Art compilation of the works exhibited linked below: